Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sarp’s Outdoor Poem – City in Haze:
Sarp’s outdoor poem, City in Haze, continuously interested me as I was reading it. Each stanza I read led me to read another and the other following it. I really liked the way he incorporated similes and imagery throughout his poem. Imagery such as ‘behind gray clouds, behind blue skies’, ‘great old trees’, and ‘[..]white snow’, were clearly understood when read. Similes such as “Like wise sages, the great old trees” and “Like crumpled paper, the crunchy ground” helped me grasp the concept and images he was trying to explain. Also, the repetition clarifying the title of the poem was a great idea. The fact that Sarp added multiple stanzas was also another great poem technique. The words of Sarp’s poem clearly portrayed something to do with a very special city which in my opinion has now become something else. His poem helped me envision a city that once was but which lies there no more. He speaks of us all considering it is all now decayed. This makes me think of our failure to respond to this city’s needs. In conclusion, Sarp incorporated poem techniques, similes, etc made his poem provide great imagery and understanding.

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